Monday, April 30, 2012

BGN April Review

It is such an amazing feeling to realize that our board game night just had our 1st month. I didn't thought it would survive. :)

As a recap, we had our first session last March 28 at CoffeeCat playing Ticket to Ride. It continues every Wednesday thereafter. We were able to play 5 board games in those sessions. Here are the games arranged in order of play date: Ticket to Ride USA, Carcassone, Citadels, Survive and No Thanks. We played something new every session.

After our 2nd session, we brainstormed to create a score scheme in order to make our sessions more exciting. From highest to lowest, the ranks are Empress, Queen, Princess, Duchess and Countess. We are all girls(at heart) that's why the titles are feminine. We will change the title when we already have guy members. Hopefully our family will expand soon. 

5 sessions. 
5 games. 
5 empresses.

It's quite a surprise that the empress of all the games are different. Ticket to Ride USA empress is Elgie. Carcassone empress is Charry. Citadels empress is Kresia. Survive empress is Grace. No Thanks empress is Melinda. 

Following are the list of games in July's library. 

List of Games
Alien Frontiers
Forbidden Island
Last Night on Earth
No Thanks
Race for the Galaxy
Robo Rally
Ticket to Ride USA

Will we continue to play something new every session or focus on mastering the 5 games we currently enjoyed?  That's the question we will answer for the1st session of our 2nd month this Wednesday. Stay tuned. You can also join us if you like. :)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Playing Citadel

It was my first time playing Citadel last night and I quite enjoyed it but at the same time sad because out of the two rounds that Kring2x and I played, I did not win any round at all.  :(  I was very unfortunate because everytime Kring2x chooses the thief or assassin character she always chooses to rob(thief) or kill(assassin) my character.  But despite that, I was still happy because on the second round I collected all the colors which earned me an extra 3points.  (Yehey!)  I almost won that round if only Kring2x did not kill my character. :(  But over-all, I enjoyed playing the game. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Board Game Night II

Missing Grace!
She took the picture because she grumbled that
the 4 of us shared farms and she's not part of it.
And Grace is in the house!
Elgie busy explaining the rules to Grace.
It was a holy Wednesday. Since there was no work the next day, it's OK to stay late. And late it was.

There were 4 games of Carcassone and 3 for Ticket to Ride. It was the first time Carcassone was played, due to unfamiliarity there were aberrations during the game. Following are some aberrations:

1. A player keep changing the placement of her tiles even if the next player is already in play. (Wanna guess who this is?!)

2. The resulting maps were gross. There were many blank tiles.

3. A game takes too long. Usually, a game of Carcassone can be done in 30 minutes. 

Despite the  aberrations , the night is still hilariously fun. Everybody wants to win but not as much as some people do. In gaming, it is always a surprise what people do just to get there.

And of course, Ticket to Ride!
See score board here.

The Quest is ON!

Score board, score board on the wall, who's the EMPRESS of us all?!
- Idea by CCB, Published by KMCR

Yesterday on Skype, the girls are putting their mind together to make the sessions more fun and exciting with rankings. After a long tirade of suggestions and violent reactions, a standard scoring is achieved.

From the average per session per game a rank will be laid out. From the strongest to the weakest, the titles are as follows: Empress, Queen, Princess, Duchess and Countess represented by color coding on the score board.
See below for the current rankings of the previous sessions.

"Everybody should desire  for the crown with all efforts at all cost!" says one. With that, expect a combat mood for the sessions to come. 

Weeeeeee! Can't wait! :D

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

An Interview with Grace

Profile Picture
I can't remember the first time I talked to Grace about board gaming. She's a college classmate, a member of Chooks and a dear friend. To be able to play board games with friends is a long-term goal but I'm taking it slow. There's a notion about board games so I know my task would be arduous. So I was super happy when she agree to attend our 5th board game session last Mar 4. Officially, she's the 3rd friend I invited and successfully attend a board gaming session. Hehe! The first is Charry, then Judith. As for the opposite...well, I don't wanna recall failures. Hahaha!

She had her first session with us on a Sunday and has played 6 games. The highest number of games to be played first time in a session. Following are the games she had done playing:

1. Ticket to Ride USA          2. Ticket to Ride EU
3. Last Night on Earth        4. Payday
5. Clue                                  6. Pictureka

With Charry's help, I come up with this questionnaire for board gamers. Grace is the first one to answer it. See below for her answers.

1. What is the first game you've played with us? 
ticket to ride (US)?

2. How was the experience? dli ko nahan maundang :))

3. What made you try board gaming? 
curious?gusto makabalo,was invited? :))

4.Did you played other board games before? What are they?
Boardgame ba nang scrabble?

5. What is your favorite game played here? Why was it your favorite?
Payday?ky murag mag anticipate ka if swertehon ka ba

How about you? What's your answer on the questions above. Drop us a mail. :)

Monday, April 2, 2012

An RFTG+AL Session (BG-VI)

We had our 6th board game session last March, 24 at Migo's residence. I don't know if it was fortunate or unfortunate that only 1 player showed up, Victor. 

I wasn't up to gaming because I got tired of an earlier activity. I begged not to participate but Migo won't let me. I had no choice but to drag myself out of bed.

Migo asked Victor what he would like to play. He picked RFTG (Race for the Galaxy). Migo said it was a nice pick so that Victor's memories of the game will be recovered. He forgot the rules the last time he played with Migo and PJ.

As for me, I have developed a liking to RFTG already. It's no longer a problem playing it. Still, the confidence of being able to teach others about it is low. It took me about 5 games just to understand what I'm doing...a lot more to finally able to build my strategy...and a lot, lot more to be able to win. So you see, it'd be pretty hard to let others warm up to RFTG yet. I still lack the skills to convince them that it's worth the headache. Haha!

The first game was challenging. It was a comeback game for Victor. He won with a score of 52 with Earth's Lost Colony as the starting world and using Blue strategy. Migo came in second scoring 45 with Alpha Centauri as starting world. With a point less than Migo, I came in last with New Sparta as the starting world.

I don't want to accept my defeat so we had another match. I won at 35 points. Victor came in second with 31 points. Migo at 27 points. Later, I was in awe when I realized that I was using Victor's starting planet and his strategy from the 1st game. Because I win, I taunted Migo for losing. Migo wanted another match.

We reached 5 rounds of RFTG. Each round, we decided to use different starting world. Following are the details of each.

Player | Score | Starting World        | Win Strategy
Kring   | 44      | New Sparta            | 
July     | 45      | Alpha Centauri       | 
Victor  | 52      | Earth's Lost Colony | Blue

Player | Score | Starting World | Win Strategy
Kring | 35 | Earth's Lost Colony| Blue
July   | 27 | Old Earth              | 
Victor| 31 | Epsilon Eridani      | 

Player | Score | Starting World | Win Strategy
Kring | 34 |  Epsilon Eridani      | 
July   | 25 | Earth's Lost Colony| 
Victor| 17 | New Sparta            |

Player | Score | Starting World | Win Strategy
Kring | 38 | Old Earth
July   | 42 | Epsilon Eridani 
Victor| 27 | Alpha Centauri

Player | Score | Starting World | Win Strategy
Kring | 28 | Alpha Centauri
July   | 43 | New Sparta
Victor| 27 | Old Earth

Migo and I won twice. Victor won once. 

After RFTG, we decided to play another game. I picked Alien Frontiers. For me, AL is a game that can be matched to RFTG. Playing them requires extra effort. These games make you think a lot. They are such challenging games.

Victor and I tied at 8 points. Migo got 7 points. I wanted to play another round of AL but since I had funrun the next day, I choose to retire early. It was a fun session still despite the number of attendees. Haha! 

Thanks to Victor for playing with us. The 3 of us is still the perfect attendance players. Hehehe!