Fortunately, because we've been together almost every lunch and snacks time, me and my best bud here run out of things to talk about today. I remember about the game session this Saturday so I talked about it. I ended up telling her about my current favorite: Ticket to Ride. I told her about this blog too. :)
And it was positive. She got interested to play Ticket to Ride. But I wish she would be interested in other games too. Hehe! But then telling her to scour the net for the game play of all the other games would be too demanding of me so I have decided to make an overview of all the games.
So here it is...
The games as of this time based on my classification.
Kring's Choice (Manager's Choice!)
I highly recommend these games for starters. Carcassone and Ticket to Ride are simple yet super fun competitive games. Let's face it, board gaming is not YET mainstream in Cebu (there's a board gaming event in Manila). People have this twisted idea about it. Board = Bored! I was one of those people before. Glad my converter is patient. Eventually I embraced the activity wholeheartedly. Today, I look forward to every game sessions. Isn't it fun to meet with friends and play rather than talk about other people's mess the entire time?! Hmmm!

I hate these games at first. You see I I have this thing about memory so remembering things overwhelmed me. But as soon as I had the grasp of what the game is all about, I was hooked. They're definitely one of the games I love to play over and over and over again. These competitive games are timeless.

Up Next:
Detailed overview of Carcassone, Ticket to Ride, Race for the Galaxy, Alien Frontiers and Survive.
And it was positive. She got interested to play Ticket to Ride. But I wish she would be interested in other games too. Hehe! But then telling her to scour the net for the game play of all the other games would be too demanding of me so I have decided to make an overview of all the games.
So here it is...
The games as of this time based on my classification.
Kring's Choice (Manager's Choice!)
I highly recommend these games for starters. Carcassone and Ticket to Ride are simple yet super fun competitive games. Let's face it, board gaming is not YET mainstream in Cebu (there's a board gaming event in Manila). People have this twisted idea about it. Board = Bored! I was one of those people before. Glad my converter is patient. Eventually I embraced the activity wholeheartedly. Today, I look forward to every game sessions. Isn't it fun to meet with friends and play rather than talk about other people's mess the entire time?! Hmmm!
I hate these games at first. You see I I have this thing about memory so remembering things overwhelmed me. But as soon as I had the grasp of what the game is all about, I was hooked. They're definitely one of the games I love to play over and over and over again. These competitive games are timeless.

Up Next:
Detailed overview of Carcassone, Ticket to Ride, Race for the Galaxy, Alien Frontiers and Survive.